Amplify Science
Since launching in 2016, Amplify Science has been making an impact on teaching and learning across the United States. The core curriculum currently reaches more than 5 thousand teachers and 130 thousand students as they make the shift to the NGSS.
- Need Accomplished
- Evaluation Accomplished
- Sustainability Developing
- Replication & Scalability Developing
- Partnerships Accomplished
- Capacity Developing
- Challenging & Relevant Content Accomplished
- STEM Practices Accomplished
- Inspiration Accomplished
- Under-Represented Groups Accomplished

Design Principles
The programs in this database clear a high bar. STEMworks reviewed each program against the Design Principles for Effective STEM Philanthropy. Programs must be Accomplished () across all Design Principles, or be Developing (
) in a maximum of three areas.
Overarching Principles
Need Accomplished
Identify and target a compelling and well-defined need.
Evaluation Accomplished
Use rigorous evaluation to continuously measure and inform progress towards the compelling need identified.
Sustainability Developing
Ensure work is sustainable.
Replication & Scalability Developing
Demonstrate replicability and scalability.
Partnerships Accomplished
Create high impact partnerships.
Capacity Developing
Ensure organizational capacity to achieve goals.
STEM Principles
Challenging & Relevant Content Accomplished
Offer challenging and relevant STEM content for the target audience.
STEM Practices Accomplished
Incorporate and encourage STEM practices.
Inspiration Accomplished
Inspire interest and engagement in STEM.
Under-Represented Groups Accomplished
Identify and address the needs of under-represented groups.
Program Overview
Each unit of Amplify Science engages students in a relevant real-world problem where they investigate scientific phenomena, engage in collaboration and discussion, and develop models in order to arrive at solutions. Authored by UC Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science, Amplify Science provides a comprehensive program, blending literacy-rich activities, hands-on lessons, and engaging digital experiences to empower students to think, read, write, and argue like real 21st century scientists and engineers. Amplify Science includes powerful digital teaching tools, hands-on activities, and print materials to support both Online and offline teaching and learning. Highly adaptable and user-friendly, the program allows students and individual teachers flexibility based on their technology resources and preferences.
Funders and Partners
Program Authors: UC Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science. The mission of The Lawrence Hall of Science is to inspire and foster learning of science for all, especially those who have limited access to science. The Hall investigates, creates, and evaluates educational materials and methods, professional development programs, and hands-on learning experiences for their science center, schools, communities, and homes. To address the challenges in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education today, they have created a comprehensive set of programs to help increase the quality and quantity of science learning that children get both in and out of school.