Michigan Mathematics and Science Leadership Network
For 30 years, the MMSLN has provided Michigan teachers with evidence-based services in STEM subject matter, curriculum standards, instruction and classroom practices, and student engagement strategies. These STEM programs—in the form of summer institutes, year-long workshop series, job-embedded activities, and/or online sessions—are designed to help teachers prepare their students for careers and college. MMSLN’s most recent programs have included 9,670 teachers and other educators participating in professional learning in the 1,047 programs offered. Programs include options such as Making Mathematics Matter, which won the 2013 Michigan Association of School Boards Best of the Best Award. In science, Next Generation Science Exemplar, participant comments suggest that 10 of the 11 program strategies are used by more than half of the responding teachers weekly or nearly every day, led by modeling, anchoring learning in phenomena, and productive talk. All MMSLN programs demonstrate similar results, including GRACE and Hour of Code.
- Need Accomplished
- Evaluation Accomplished
- Sustainability Accomplished
- Replication & Scalability Accomplished
- Partnerships Developing
- Capacity Developing
- Challenging & Relevant Content Accomplished
- STEM Practices Accomplished
- Inspiration Accomplished
- Under-Represented Groups Developing

This is one of the best PDs I have had in eleven years.
Design Principles
The programs in this database clear a high bar. STEMworks reviewed each program against the Design Principles for Effective STEM Philanthropy. Programs must be Accomplished () across all Design Principles, or be Developing (
) in a maximum of three areas.
Overarching Principles
Need Accomplished
Identify and target a compelling and well-defined need.
Evaluation Accomplished
Use rigorous evaluation to continuously measure and inform progress towards the compelling need identified.
Sustainability Accomplished
Ensure work is sustainable.
Replication & Scalability Accomplished
Demonstrate replicability and scalability.
Partnerships Developing
Create high impact partnerships.
Capacity Developing
Ensure organizational capacity to achieve goals.
STEM Principles
Challenging & Relevant Content Accomplished
Offer challenging and relevant STEM content for the target audience.
STEM Practices Accomplished
Incorporate and encourage STEM practices.
Inspiration Accomplished
Inspire interest and engagement in STEM.
Under-Represented Groups Developing
Identify and address the needs of under-represented groups.
Program Overview
The Michigan Mathematics and Science Leadership Network (MMSLN) serves as a catalyst and resource for improvement of the teaching and learning of mathematics and science. Centers provide services within their region that enhance and extend beyond those available to local districts. A major focus is on national and Michigan-developed programs which support schools in meeting the strategic goals of the State Board of Education, the priorities of the Michigan Department of Education, and national education goals. MMSLN provides evidence-based professional learning opportunities for all Michigan science and mathematics teachers. The MMSLN meets the need for STEM-related educational services by being the only boots-on-the-ground provider in Michigan, including professional learning for all teachers statewide. MMSLN analyzes constituent needs and quickly mobilizes, plans, and implements effective programs and services. A focus on the application of content is an important attribute characterizing a STEM focus on the Standards framework for integrating important content into real life problem solving settings.
Funders and Partners
For 30 years. the Michigan Mathematics and Science Leadership Network has collaborated with state and national professional organizations, including: Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators Mathematics Leadership Team and General Education Leadership Network (MAISA MLT and GELN); Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL); Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM); Michigan Mathematics Coordinators and Consultants (M2C2); Michigan Science Professional Learning at the Network (MISCIPL@N); Michigan Science Standards (MiSS) Team; Michigan Science Teachers Association (MSTA); MSU CREATE for STEM; National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM); National Science Teachers Association (NSTA); MEMSPA (Michigan Elementary and Middle School Principals Association); MASSP (Michigan Association Secondary School Principals); Universities and Colleges in Michigan and Nationally: Grand Valley State University, Northern Michigan, Saginaw Valley State University, Central Michigan University, Northwestern, Michigan State University, Lake Superior State University, University of Michigan, Clark University, Arizona State