Ten80 National STEM LeagueReady to Scale
Independent research on the Ten80 programs show that they can boost student test scores in math and science. In addition, Ten80 was one of only four STEM programs honored by Change the Equation as ready to scale widely to new sites across the country.
- Need Accomplished
- Evaluation Developing
- Sustainability Accomplished
- Replication & Scalability Accomplished
- Partnerships Accomplished
- Capacity Developing
- Challenging & Relevant Content Accomplished
- STEM Practices Accomplished
- Inspiration Accomplished
- Under-Represented Groups Developing

U.S. businesses are struggling to recruit and hire skilled individuals who understand how to work in a collaborative, competitive atmosphere of creative innovation and problem solving. I believe that if today’s and tomorrow’s students can succeed in projects like those in the [National STEM League] program, our country will be on the way to solving this problem. As importantly, many of these future professionals will start their own U.S.-based companies and support the growth of domestic industry.”
Design and test engineer for the NASCAR division of Toyota Racing Development
Design Principles
The programs in this database clear a high bar. STEMworks reviewed each program against the Design Principles for Effective STEM Philanthropy. Programs must be Accomplished () across all Design Principles, or be Developing (
) in a maximum of three areas.
Overarching Principles
Need Accomplished
Identify and target a compelling and well-defined need.
Evaluation Developing
Use rigorous evaluation to continuously measure and inform progress towards the compelling need identified.
Sustainability Accomplished
Ensure work is sustainable.
Replication & Scalability Accomplished
Demonstrate replicability and scalability.
Partnerships Accomplished
Create high impact partnerships.
Capacity Developing
Ensure organizational capacity to achieve goals.
STEM Principles
Challenging & Relevant Content Accomplished
Offer challenging and relevant STEM content for the target audience.
STEM Practices Accomplished
Incorporate and encourage STEM practices.
Inspiration Accomplished
Inspire interest and engagement in STEM.
Under-Represented Groups Developing
Identify and address the needs of under-represented groups.
Program Overview
The Ten80 National STEM League is Project Based Learning that Doesn’t Forget the Learning. In many ways, business, engineering, R&D and politics are team sports. Ten80 Education’s team set out over 15 years ago to help students learn the skills to thrive in a team-oriented atmosphere while also learning why mathematics and physics are “pretty” helpful. Through the Ten80 National STEM League, middle and high school students who have a variety of interests organize, operate and OWN their own STEM company or team. Young men and women, supported by a community of mentors and educators, collaborate and create in ways that mirror business & marketing executives, engineers, technicians, green transportation designers and professional sports teams. From a 30,000 ft. view, the National STEM League curriculum is presented in two formats. The first is a linear approach in which one activity follows another. This is the best starting-place for educators and students new to project-based learning and cross-curricular teaching. The second is the “divide & conquer” approach for educators and teams with project experience. Of course, Ten80’s goal is to help guide all students and educators into a non-linear approach to setting goals, planning how to meet them and ultimately achieving them.
Funders and Partners
US ARMY, NASCAR, Texas Instruments, CASIO, Clemson ICAR Graduate Program, SolidWorks 3D CAD, Belk Foundation, River Valley Regional Commission, Speedway Motorsports Inc., National Society of Black Engineers, Foundation for the Carolinas Project L.I.F.T.